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Adam Kornafeld

Software Engineer

Roadblock title:

From seconds to microseconds: An efficient algorithm for finding a PAN in a haystack


Friday - 10:00 AM (5th floor - Manchester G)


Join Adam on a journey of how his team achieved sub-millisecond op times to check if a PAN exists in a range containing 69 trillion account numbers on average. In this presentation, we will iterate from big dataset to data store to caching to lookup algorithm.

While that problem might seem straightforward, challenges arose with 21-digit numbers exceeding 64-bit integer limits, causing slow queries. Meanwhile, we also dealt with curve balls that a modern scalable software architecture can throw at the unexpecting engineer.

My presentation aims to celebrate solving hard problems with simple solutions that is ultimately what the craft of software engineering is all about. The takeaway for the audience is that an often overlooked tool in the software engineer toolkit is to keep the solution simple.


Adam is a seasoned software engineer specializing in instant card payments at Moov. With a masters degree in computer science from Hungary, he embarked on a dynamic career journey that led him to the United States. He has been instrumental in solving complex problems through software solutions at various startups. Prior to joining Moov, Adam honed his skills in the wealth management industry. His innovative mindset and expertise have culminated in authoring several software patents, showcasing his commitment to driving technological advancements. Adam is passionate for leveraging software to address real-world challenges in the ever-evolving landscape of fintech.

Adam Kornafeld