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Bjorn Ovick

Head of Fintech and GTM

Roadblock title:

How the financial industry can leverage LLMs while maintaining privacy and security


Thursday - 3:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester F)


Financial institutions are eager to harness the power of generative AI large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, but are wary of the dangers LLMs can pose to data privacy.

Your company can’t afford to ignore the promise of entering new markets, or compliance requirements in current markets. And you can’t afford to fall behind your competitors by not using LLMs. The solution lies in leveraging the expertise of privacy experts with a data privacy vault delivered as an API.

In this talk, we will discuss the data privacy vault architectural pattern, and how API-based solutions let financial institutions isolate, protect, and govern sensitive data.


Bjorn Ovick is Skyflow’s Head of Fintech. Bjorn is a 20-year veteran of the fintech industry with previous executive roles at RS2, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Wells Fargo, and several startups. He currently leads business development and strategy around Skyflow’s data privacy vault for any company collecting PCI data.

Bjorn Ovick