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Curtis Whiting

VP of Product
ZSuite Technologies

Roadblock title:

From misconception to integration: What to expect when working with banks


Thursday - 2:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester G)


What is a bank, really?

In this session, we examine some commonly held notions and misconceptions about how US banks interact with their communities and why compliance matters to banks, their customers, and fintechs.

We’ll cover the ways banks operate digitally, including banking cores, online banking, loan origination, API/middleware, Treasury Management, compliance, and more. Then, we’ll discuss how to work with and integrate with banks, what to expect, and how to keep projects moving forward.


Whiting is a taller-than-most father who runs Product for ZSuite Tech. He and his team designed the ZEscrow platform which manages over $1 Billion in deposits. He started in tax auditing and manufacturing but quickly landed in Banking and Property Management Software. He was an Account exec, Data Analyst, and Head of Analytics before landing in the Product space. On the weekends you can find him with his kids under the hood of a car or running his chainsaw.

Curtis Whiting