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Evis Drenova

Co-Founder & CEO

Workshop title:

How to build a synthetic data generation tool from scratch


Friday - 10:00 AM (4th floor - Iris)


Synthetic data is a powerful tool that engineering teams use to build and debug their fintech applications without any of the data privacy or security risks related to working with real-world sensitive data.

In the first part of the workshop, I will explain synthetic data, what it is, some use-cases, and how fintechs like Stripe and J.P. Morgan are leveraging synthetic data.

In the second part of the workshop, we’ll move into a hands-on demo where we’ll build a synthetic data system from scratch using open source tools.


Evis is the co-founder and CEO of Neosync. Neosync is an open source anonymization and synthetic data company that makes sensitive data safe to use in local and staging environments. Prior to Neosync, Evis was a Lead PM at Skyflow and the Head of Product at TrueData prior to Skyflow. He has been in Product and Engineering for 10+ years and loves to talk about the intersection of Data Privacy and AI.

Evis Drenova