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Julian Macagno

Director for Product Management, Developer Experience

Roadblock title:

From bottleneck to breakthrough: Overcoming integration hurdles in the agreement lifecycle


Thursday - 1:00 PM (4th floor - Iris)


Integrating third-party systems into the agreement workflow poses a myriad of challenges, from ensuring seamless data flow and maintaining compliance to providing a unified user experience. This session dives into the intricacies of embedding external services and functionalities into a platform, with a focus on overcoming the obstacles that often hinder such integrations and customer adoption. As open platforms expand their ecosystems to include a diverse range of third-party applications and services, the complexity of ensuring these integrations are efficient, secure, and compliant becomes paramount.

Through this roadblock, we’ll explore real-world fintech examples of integration challenges and present actionable solutions.


Julian Macagno is a seasoned Technology Professional boasting over 20 years of experience in the Travel Technology Industry, where he has been instrumental in defining and developing large-scale solutions that necessitate the integration of multiple applications and technology platforms. His career is marked by a profound passion for Product Management coupled with a fervent dedication to enhancing User and Developer Experience.

Julian has spearheaded the Product strategy, execution, and investment direction for Developer Platforms, extending his expertise across a variety of industries such as Travel, Data & Analytics, and, most recently, Agreement management at DocuSign. His leadership in these areas reflects a deep commitment to innovation and a keen understanding of the evolving technological landscape.

Julian Macagno