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Kelsey Hightower

Distinguished Engineer

Keynote title:

My story: Adopting technology in the finance space


Friday - 1:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester Ballroom)


At a high level, I will talk about adopting technology in the finance space by leveraging my story and how I did it in the past, and show people how I would do it today.


Kelsey is a celebrated software engineer, developer advocate, and speaker known for his work with Kubernetes, open-source software, and cloud computing.

Kelsey dropped out of college and taught himself the skills required to start his career as an independent contractor for BellSouth before becoming involved in the open-source world, working at New Relic, CoreOS, Puppet Labs, and most recently, Google.

Few people can match Kelsey’s expertise of Kubernetes, an essential system relied upon by thousands of developers and companies to ensure apps run smoothly and efficiently.

He has become a distinguished speaker on the subject and is also one the world’s most respected faces in cloud computing and open-source software where code is made publicly accessible.

Kelsey has described the process of creating good software as “emotional”.

He set up Google’s Empathetic Engineering practice, which allowed employees at Google Cloud Platform to better understand what it’s like for customers to work with their technology.

Kelsey changed the roadmap of modern computing through his work with CoreOS, Kubernetes, and Google, and he is perfectly placed to predict where that road may lead in the years ahead.

Kelsey Hightower