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Kirah Sapong

Senior Software Engineer
TBD, Block Inc.

Workshop title:

Unlock cross-border payments with the tbDEX open source protocol


Wednesday - 1:00 PM (4th floor - Iris)


The web connected us all, but payments have not kept pace. The legacy financial system is slow and inefficient with the final settlements of cross-border payments.

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn how to use tbDEX, an open source liquidity and trust protocol, to unlock frictionless, compliant global payments that are settled in seconds, not days. tbDEX enables seamless exchanges by utilizing open standards such as decentralized identity and verifiable credentials to meet legal and regulatory obligations.

In the workshop, we’ll take a wallet application and integrate it with the tbDEX SDK to connect with a network of financial institutions, offering your customers a variety of options for competitive exchange rates.

If you’re in the payments business, this workshop is for you!


Kirah is a Senior Software Engineer with TBD of Block Inc., building an open financial protocol that can move value anywhere around the world. She’s consulted for several early stage startups and co-founded a startup that she led to exit, spanning domains that included commerce, fashion, and fintech, before moving on to join global companies.

Kirah Sapong