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Lucy Shen

Developer Advocate

Workshop title:

From basics to best practices: Why developers should adopt GraphQL


Wednesday - 2:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester E)


In the ever-changing landscape of API development, the adoption of GraphQL has emerged as a pivotal move for fintech application developers seeking enhanced efficiency, collaboration, and flexibility for their consumers. In this session, you will acquire a comprehensive understanding of GraphQL’s advantages. Additionally, we’ll cover the challenges you may encounter during the adoption journey and how to navigate them.


Lucy (any pronouns) is a developer advocate at Intuit, and formerly a frontend software engineer (and JavaScript apologist) of 4 years. Their work focuses on fostering developer communities, primarily in Intuit’s open-source strategy and 3rd party APIs. Lucy is an experienced presenter and host of the Tech Heroes podcast and Tech Stories webinar series. They also collaborate with the developer education team to create and deliver training courses on Intuit’s API standards, platform strategy, and design thinking methodologies.

Lucy Shen