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Matt Brint

Head of Product
Evolve Bank & Trust

Roadblock title:

Balancing tides: Leading developers through challenging waters while maintaining innovation


Wednesday - 1:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester E)


In this session, we’ll explore the essential elements of building a successful engineering team and delivering top-notch products. From assembling a solid team to defining problems clearly and separating assumptions from verified information, we’ll cover strategies to ensure project success. We will also discuss the benefits of establishing standardized procedures and maintaining comprehensive documentation to emphasize the importance of clarity and alignment across teams. Through practical examples, we’ll highlight effective project layouts, progress tracking methods, and the significance of thorough testing, ultimately emphasizing the importance of prioritizing quality over scale to build trust and ensure project success.


Matt Brint is Head of Product at Evolve Bank & Trust. With over 8 years of experience in the tech and finance industries, Matt manages a team of experts who focus on the development and expansion of leading BaaS solutions. Matt has a proven track record of success working alongside developers and innovators to cultivate top financial technology and payment rails. Matt started his career in Marketing as Brand Success Manager at HigherVisibility and later was instrumental in the implementation of digital marketing strategies at Evolve. He received Bachelor’s Degrees in Psychology and Natural Science from Christian Brothers University.

Matt Brint