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Mike Clarke

Vice President of Engineering
Treasury Prime

Roadblock title:

Scaling fintech: Lessons learned from five years of collaborating with banks


Friday - 11:00 AM (5th floor - Manchester E)


In the rapidly evolving world of fintech, collaboration with multiple banks has become increasingly prevalent in order to add new features, expand capacity for accounts, provide higher-interest accounts, and prevent a single point of failure. However, knowing when this approach makes sense and how to navigate the challenges it presents is essential. This session will delve into the lessons learned from scaling fintech operations across a network of banks, drawing from five years of practical experience.


Mike Clarke leads Treasury Prime’s engineering organization. Mike joined Treasury Prime from the application monitoring platform, where he founded the data analytics team that enabled compliance and go-to-market efforts. Earlier in his career, he served as a founding engineer at “API first” bank Standard Treasury, where he built the API gateway for developers building on the platform. He also created compliance tools such as a risk service for checking targets against Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctions lists. Mike stayed with Standard Treasury through its acquisition by Silicon Valley Bank, where he served as principal software engineer and later engineering manager. Mike has a B.S. in electrical engineering from University of Notre Dame.

Mike Clarke