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Mike Esler

Bloom Credit

Roadblock title:

Lessons from building a scalable credit reporting (furnishment) platform


Thursday - 3:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester E)


This talk recounts the story of how Bloom Credit built and evolved a multi-tenant credit reporting platform capable of furnishing millions of accounts to the major credit bureaus daily, while simultaneously improving data quality for its clients. It covers both the technologies and processes that played a role in enabling the ability to scale.

It will provide a basic overview of credit data furnishment), survey the most common problems that fintechs encounter when trying to build solutions to support a nascent furnishment program, and describe in detail how the technologies and design patterns adopted by Bloom to deliver a scalable, multi-tenant furnishment platform.


Since 2022, Mike has led product and engineering as the Chief Technology Officer at Bloom Credit, helping build a single, developer-friendly API for all things credit. Prior to Bloom, he served as a VP of Technology Operations at Avant, and subsequently as CIO of their spin-out: Amount. He’s held software engineering, enterprise architecture, and technology leadership roles for over 20 years including over a decade at HSBC. A motor racing and platform tennis enthusiast, he and his family call the suburbs of Chicago home.

Mike Esler