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Nathan Loding

Developer Advocate

Roadblock title:

Orchestrate the chaos: Process automation in modern architectures


Friday - 11:00 AM (5th floor - Manchester G)


Microservices, Kubernetes, and Geographically distributed applications … OH MY! A recent (2022) poll by Kong placed the average number of microservices for a single enterprise at 184! Modern architecture patterns are great at optimizing resource usage, but what happens when you need to make a critical change to one process that spans multiple shared services? How do you quickly implement changes while maintaining uptime? How do you introduce a new service to an existing process? In this talk, we will discuss how to model and visualize processes, and use those to orchestrate and execute complex business processes in your application. Don’t let the name fool you: this not your father’s Visio diagram. Everyone should leave this talk with a new approach to solving their orchestration complexities!


I’m a nerd, and proud of it! I love solving problems and technology is the best way to do that. I work professionally as a Developer Advocate for Camunda. On the side I’m a husband, father, collector of hobbies, gardener, and outdoorsman (hiking, camping, canoeing/kayaking). I enjoy working analog, with my hands, whenever possible. I hate chores and cleaning up after myself.

Nathan Loding