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Santiago Aceves


Roadblock title:

Building for the underbanked: Delivering accessible and inclusive financial solutions when data is scarce and fragmented


Wednesday - 2:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester G)


Over 2 billion individuals globally don’t have access to basic financial services, and there is an estimated $5 trillion credit gap for small businesses worldwide. We take something like basic access to banking services for granted in the US, but the reality is that, even in the most developed markets, not everyone can simply open a bank account. While attempts have been made to resolve this challenge, and many fintechs globally are succeeding, the parameters of risk and delivery of these services differ substantially due to these customers’ lack of history with credit and financial services.

In this talk, we will dig a bit deeper into how Moffin, a Mexican fintech, has tackled the challenge of building financial services for thin-file customers on behalf of their clients – which include microfinance institutions and MSME-focused financial service providers.


Santiago Aceves is the Co-founder and CEO of Moffin, where his passion for product design and keen understanding of behavioral insights drive innovation and strategic direction in fintech product development. Santiago holds a degree in Product Design from the Universidad de Guadalajara and has spearheaded numerous initiatives utilizing technology to enhance financial inclusivity and efficiency, especially for SMBs and underbanked markets. Under his guidance, Moffin has emerged as a pivotal force in the B2B fintech service industry, empowering businesses to seamlessly access vital financial tools. Outside the office, Santiago is a dedicated craftsman and an enthusiastic rock climber.

Santiago Aceves