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Soups Ranjan

CEO and Founder

Roadblock title:

Scaling up scams and beating KYC


Thursday - 11:00 AM (5th floor - Manchester F)


We’ve proven deepfakes can beat KYC processes, and even liveness detection in most digital onboarding journey’s. It’s also trivial for scammers to create personalized, believable scams at scale for business email compromise and phishing. Soups shares the types of attacks that are happening as well as the types of things to look for during onboarding and in production that help your fraud models detect this stuff as it’s happening.


Soups Ranjan is the CEO and co-founder of Sardine, a unified platform for fraud prevention and AML compliance. Prior to Sardine, Soups was the Head of Financial Crime for Revolut and Head of Risk for Coinbase. He also holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Rice University, where his thesis was on scaling web services to handle cyber threats and Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. Drawing on his expertise using machine learning to fight fraud over the past 15 years, and backed by an elite team of investors like Andreessen Horowitz, Visa, and Google Ventures, Soups founded Sardine alongside an experienced team of payments experts to build the most effective platform for fighting fraud and sophisticated attacks.

Soups Ranjan