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Tim Faulkes

Chief Developer Advocate

Workshop title:

Vector databases demystified: Discover how they work and their importance in fintech


Wednesday - 1:00 PM (4th floor - Lantana)


This workshop offers a comprehensive journey from VectorDB basics to real-world RAG integration. Participants will help create a simple vector database and see what a difference it makes to some financial service applications like chatbots. Discover how VectorDB and Semantic Search can supercharge applications to provide additional insight in financial contexts, like fraud detection and trade compliance.

Key takeaways:

  • Real-world understanding of VectorDB implementation for heightened awareness of the AI ecosystem and how to best utilize it
  • Insight into Vector Databases’ pivotal role in the application ecosystem
  • Application of VectorDB, RAG, and Semantic Search in financial services scenarios.


Tim Faulkes has 30+ years of experience in IT, primarily as a developer and architect for distributed mission-critical enterprise applications and databases. He is passionate about using technology to solve complex business problems and educating people on how to best use technology to achieve their goals.He’s also an avid writer and in the process of publishing Aerospike: Up and Running Developing a Modern Operational Database for Globally Distributed Apps.

Tim Faulkes