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Wenkai Mo

Machine Learning Engineering Manager

Roadblock title:

Fraud detection for developers: Unveiling the rapid model and strategy refresh framework


Thursday - 2:00 PM (5th floor - Manchester F)


We present a novel framework: the Rapid Model and Strategy Refresh framework. This framework is tailored to the needs of fintech companies facing escalating fraud trends amidst rapid business growth. By leveraging automation and advanced analytics, this framework streamlines the optimization, evaluation, and online adjustment of domain-specific models. Unlike the conventional periodic updates, our approach enables organizations to refresh models and strategies with agility, reducing Time-to-Market to a matter of days rather than months. In this talk, we delve into the design and implementation of the Rapid Model and Strategy Refresh framework, highlighting its key components and benefits. We demonstrate how this framework empowers developers to preserve trust in the payment ecosystem.


Wenkai Mo, with over 7 years of experience at PayPal, is a manager leading a team of machine learning engineers at PayPal. He and his team have introduced the MLOps concept to PayPal’s AI/ML solutions, enabling automatic iteration of solutions to address the dynamics of fraud detection. Additionally, they are researching and developing a continuous learning framework for PayPal’s fraud models.

Wenkai Mo